
Specialized Level 1: Oriental Philosophy (L16, 17, 18)

Course ID
Seminar Hours
Online, Seminar
Trung Luong

“In this level you will have the harmony of body and soul. You will be lighter and you will reach Wisdom-Enlightenment with the practice of going out into the infinite space. What we learn is what the body cannot learn; it is a knowledge that is beyond Earth.”

The Specialized Levels consist of three parts, Oriental Philosophy, Applying Spiritual Science I and Applying Spiritual Science II. The first part in this series, the 06-HUE Oriental Philosophy, trains you to go out into the infinite space so you can transform you body into energy. You will learn more about the following spiritual topics:

  • Psychology & Spirituality
  • Life & Death
  • Man & God
  • Connect with the Divine
  • Living God's Will

God has given us the key to change our body into energy, we are going to be capable to do anything with the energy. And with this energy, we will be able to purify the atmosphere and all the pollution in the atmosphere for the entire humanity, and humanity is going to benefit and we are going to be the first ones to benefit of this.” – Mr. Luong Minh Dang

In this level you will receive enough information for you to practice so you will feel liberated and enlightened. And with all these benefits you will be able to extend it to the whole world. But you don’t see the whole world, you see your family, you see society and you see your neighbours. 


In order to participate in this course, you are required to have already completed the following courses and seminars:
05-HUE Advanced Level II

05-PRS Advanced Contemplation Meeting

Suggested Reading(s)

As a support for the 06-HUE level, it is suggested to read the following book(s) that introduce you to the topics of e.g. spirituality, universal energy, frequencies of our thoughts, meditation and stress. These books are available in hardcover format. You can order them after you complete this course.

HUE Faculty, Inc. L16 Transcript from 2005. (2nd ed). 2020.

HUE Faculty, Inc. Level 17 & 18 Transcripts from 2006. (2nd ed). 2020.


Practice, Study and Apply

The successful application of the 06-HUE Oriental Philosophy has a minimum of 3 requirements:

  1. Practice everyday going out into the infinite space.
  2. Apply the technique for combining.
  3. Read and study further the transcripts of the different levels.

You can reinforce your daily practice and application of the Universal Energy method by using the following:

Daily Application of your Techniques

Student Accomplishment Checklist

Success Journal


Next level

After completing this course and you feel the necessity to continue your spiritual development to help and love humanity, we suggest you to continue the development and activation of the pineal and pituitary glands by enrolling in the next level of 07-HUE Science and Spirituality I. This level enables you to study, practice and apply the unification of science and spirituality. 

Check out our calendar for our scheduled courses.

Please, practice and apply this level so you have the energy strength to help others. 


Audit the 06-HUE Oriental Philosophy at least once during your spiritual development.